Mikusagi: LOL xD
-Drasco-: O.o??
Mikusagi: The name of the room.
Mikusagi: Drasco... Bosco...
shyembrace: i agree with the sentiments expressed in the room name
Mikusagi: La la la
Mikusagi: The road goes ever on and on..
-Drasco-: lol
-Drasco-: Indeed
Mikusagi: ...down to the door where it began.
-Drasco-: O.o
-Drasco-: Oh ya, um, sorry for the slugishness, hehe, post-fishing
Mikusagi: :P
Mikusagi: A Blueston Biter!
the_souvenir enters the chat.
Mikusagi: En souvenir! Sådana kan man köpa! Ju... eller?
Mikusagi: Is it just me or is the_souvenir invisible?
the_souvenir leaves the chat.
Mikusagi: o_O
the_souvenir enters the chat.
Mikusagi: Hey, I can see you!
the_souvenir leaves the chat.
Mikusagi: >_<
Mikusagi: Gonk!
Mikusagi: They should have pink tyres!
-Drasco-: lol
Mikusagi: That hat would be cool.
Mikusagi: And expensive.
Mikusagi: Bye! ^^
Mikusagi: Bucket filled.
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